Words really can't explain how much I loved/love Natasha's last LP, Two Suns. The album leaked early this year, and I am still not even close to tired of it. Seeing her perform live in Atlanta a few months ago was one of the most moving concerts of my life. Yes, shit was MOVING. I dare you to see one of her shows and not say the same. From the creepy dolls, piano dripping in lace, tall candles littered all over the stage and jesus figurines setup to her powerful vocal range, it was a damn near religious experience. So, when I saw that Pitchfork is airing a making of Two Suns doc, "Two Plus Two", I was pretty giddy. Full disclosure: haven't gotten chance to view this one, either, but I've heard great things, and, let's face it, everything she touches is kind of the best.
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